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Do you make mattress of customized size?

We can deliver mattress of any size, as per customer’s requirement.

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Should I buy a Hard or Soft mattress ?

Your doctor may have specific recommendations. In general, we'd recommend a mattress that offers good support, and such support does not mean the hardest or firmest mattress available. Innerspring mattresses offer various types of surface materials over the coil unit that aid in improving the comfort of a mattress without compromising the support. Foam, Coir , Bonded or latex mattresses are also good options for contouring the body while offering proper support and lasting comfort.

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How do I clean my mattress?

Never use a cleaning product because it can breakdown your comfort layers. The best and easiest way is by placing a good mattress protector on your new mattress.

Do I need to replace my base also?

A common analogy used is you wouldn't put old tyres on a new car, however if the base is still in good condition we recommend that you save your money and keep on using it.

How often should mattresses be replaced?

This can vary between styles however, every 8 years is usually a good time to consider changing your mattress.

Do I need a new mattress?

A new mattress is needed because when you sleep on an old mattress you miss out on the good sleep and support your mind and body needs to wake refreshed in the morning.

What's the right amount of sleep?

The average person needs 7-8 hours a night, but it differs from person to person. Some people may need as much as 10 hours a night and others need much less. If you sleep longer on the weekends than during the week, you probably aren't getting the sleep you need every night.

Why is sleep important?

Sleep is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Like other essential activities - eating right and exercising, sound sleep is essential to feeling your best during the day. It affects how you wake up, feel, work, and your quality of life. A good night sleep, reenergizing the body & mind.

Is napping good or bad?

There's nothing wrong with taking a short nap to help refresh you during the day. But if you find you're napping all the time, it could be a sign that you aren't getting as much sleep as you should. Or that you're not getting the deep, restful sleep you need at night.

Does the mattress affect how a person sleeps?

Yes. The mattress has the potential either to encourage sleep or steal your sleep. Whether your mattress is a sleep friendly or not can determine how refreshed you feel in the morning. If you're tossing and turning more at night or if you're waking up feeling stiff or sore after a night's sleep, it could be a sign that your current mattress is no longer the best for you. Your body appreciates a comfortable, supportive mattress and will let you know if it's not up to the mark.
